T Dawn Wins At The 2014 XMA Music Awards
Press Release on Music Dish
T DAWN’S “Controlled By Vanity” NAMED THE BEST ALTERNATIVE SONG and “Battled Soldier” NAMED THE BEST INDIES SONG at the X-POZ-ING MUSIC AWARDS 2014 “Born to Perform”, live event
Awards were held in Chicago at the Elbo Room at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 12, 2014
CHICAGO, IL — June 12, 2014 – T Dawn announced today that her music was named the Best Alternative Song and Best Indie Song of 2014 at the X-Pozing “Born to Perform” 2014 Music Awards. The XMA Awards was presented by Poze Productions who is leading the online music community by honoring excellence to some of the biggest names in the independent music industry. Poze Productions, which nominates and selects X-Pozing Winners, is comprised of music experts and endorsed by legendary music icon, Doug E. Fresh.
“T Dawn has set the standard for independent music artists. Work hard and never let go of those dreams”, these awards are a true testament to T Dawn’s vision.
She is known best for her haunting vocals accompanied with her juicy ethereal rock backgrounds. T Dawn commands her music with powerful lyrical style and wrapping you up into her world, you will know you just experienced a piece of T Dawn
Poze Productions started an online community in 2005. Their goal was to help artists receive a higher level of recognition for their talent; providing mentoring, support, online events, radio play and contests. Poze Productions focuses on success and connecting music industry prospects with “real opportunities.” Poze Productions recognizes music talent through their music awards event X-Pozing Music Awards “Born To Perform.” Read more on Poze Productions.